Legacy Family Tree
For the past few months, I have been reviewing the genealogy software Legacy version 7.4. I was quite impressed by how much this software can accomplish... and it only less than $30 for the standard edition ($60 for the deluxe edition)I have been using other software (Family Tree Maker and Roots Magic) to keep my genealogy. I used both products because between both I could do what I wanted with my genealogy research. I was hesitant to try another genealogy software but I gave this one a try. To my surprise, Legacy does what the other two software packages do and much more. I was able to import my genealogy using the GEDCOM import feature. The upload was mostly correct, only a few things flagged (like the "from date to date" approximations).
The website lists an incredible 85 features for this software. Among some good (in my opinion) features:
- Mapping– Use Microsoft Virtual Earth to automatically pinpoint and plot important locations in ancestors’ lives from within Legacy. See 3-D, satellite and bird’s eye images of where your ancestors lived. Now it is easy to track your ancestor’s migration
- SourceWriter – makes it simple for you to select the correct input screen so that you enter all the pieces needed to correctly cite any source of information in the thousands of formats that exist for them. The information you enter is correctly and precisely formatted to match the genealogy industry standards for source citations when printing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. Multiple citations for an event can be combined into one paragraph, thus avoiding a long string of superscripted numbers within the report body.
- Relationship Calculator – See how any two people are connected, not only through direct blood relationships but also by marriage. A person might be the "great-grandfather of the wife of your 2nd great-grandnephew.
- DNA – lets you record DNA marker test results from several different companies.
Another great feature is its printing capabilities. It has a great report (for your book) and very nice charting tools. Overall I will be using Legacy as my genealogy tool.
Link to Legacy Home Page - http://bit.ly/legacyhomepage
Link to Deluxe Download Version - http://bit.ly/legacydownloadversion
Link to Free Download/Comparison - http://bit.ly/legacydownloadcompare
Link to Legacy Blog - http://bit.ly/legacyblog
Link to Legacy Charting - http://bit.ly/legacycharting
Link to Legacy Home Page - http://bit.ly/legacyhomepage
Link to Deluxe Download Version - http://bit.ly/
Link to Free Download/Comparison - http://bit.ly/
Link to Legacy Blog - http://bit.ly/legacyblog
Link to Legacy Charting - http://bit.ly/legacycharting